For Potential Buyers

PLEASE READ – Riverbend at Lake Lure is a vibrant growing community and we have seen many properties purchased and heightened new home construction recently. The Riverbend Community welcomes potential lot and/or home buyers. In order to ensure the security of our residents we require that you must be accompanied by a licensed real estate agent in order to view potential properties. The real estate agent should make an appointment with the Riverbend Gate House (828)625-9724) in order to view properties during normal gate hours. Individuals who own and are selling property in Riverbend may escort the potential buyers to the site to be viewed. At no time should a potential buyer enter onto Riverbend Property are remain on Riverbend Property without an escort.  This is for the safety and security of all property owners.

Due Diligence for Potential Buyers

There are many beautiful properties for sale in Riverbend at Lake Lure. Please do your due diligence when purchasing a property. This includes:

  1.  Vetting the seller.
  2. Using a licensed real estate agent.
  3. Checking for delinquent taxes, unpaid POA dues and liens against the property.
  4. Making sure the property is buildable.
  5. Obtaining a home inspection.
  6. Obtaining a survey to know the boundary lines.
  7. Making sure the property will perk.
  8. Talking to neighbors, the POA, and a real estate agent about the property to make sure you are fully informed.